The law firm.
All about
Real estate.

About MEK

MEK is a team of specialised lawyers based in Munich and Frankfurt. We manage your real estate development from the idea through realization and to marketing. By focusing on these core competencies we provide first class legal advice.

We have the necessary experience to secure the success of your project. We are experts on this field since 1997, and we have managed a project volume of more than 1 billion Euros during that time.

We are working close to the pulse of time. We are always directly informed of the latest changes in law or on the market thanks to our representation in associations, organizations and boards specific to this industry. We can respond quickly to these changes and co-design new developments.

Business Acumen

Technical Competence

MEK offers more than just a solution to actual legal issues. Our experience from project flows creates synergies in your project. We want to be involved in your project in order to define a practical strategy. MEK consults not only on risks, but also on chances.


Teamworking Network

We work multi-disciplinary. Cooperation with other experts is our standard. For the development of feasible, outcome-focused solution concepts, we closely cooperate with engineers and business people. Where necessary, we involve competent surveyors, tax counsels, business auditors and notaries. Multi-disciplinary teamwork saves time – and time is money!


Manageable Direct

We offer an individual consulting concept; aligned to your demands: Our services range from spot wise consulting upon request, through acute crisis management (trouble-shooting) to full legal management of real estate development and transactions with an agreed number of days when our lawyers are attending on site.

Direct contact between client and lawyer is our priority. In contrast to the trend of ever-growing legal partnerships, we consciously opt for a manageable size.

Knowledge Transfer

We keep you informed: We give trainings and workshops on special subjects, as speakers on renowned seminar events, or at our clients‘ site. With our newsletter MEK-Aktuell/MEK-NEWS, we also continuously inform our clients about current legislation and changes in jurisdiction.

Avoiding Disputes

Courts still are the wrong place to solve your problems from the project and construction process. Avoiding disputes is a must for MEK. We concentrate on provident, proactive advice. You may also rely on our experiences as conciliators, arbitrators and mediators.

Committed to the community/sponsoring/corporate responsibility

Sports is dear to our hearts. Since the season of 2011/2012 we are supporting the Second League Ladies Basketball Team of the Friendsfactory Jahn Munich.

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MEK | Über MEK