Project controlling

Legal issues of project management

Project managers have already become the norm in larger construction projects, but the legally related issues are still little known and subject to considerable uncertainty. Attorney Ursula von Minckwitz has devoted herself intensively to this topic since 1997 and has gained the necessary legal experience in project management practice.

MEK has therefore been advising large project management offices and the client side for many years in setting the course for the deployment of the project manager.

Project managers also pursue their own goals. For the most diverse service constellations, such as the assumption of project management tasks, the support of the client, quality or schedule management, we offer tried and tested sample contracts with service descriptions.

However, our advice also covers legal issues relating to fees, liability and interface delimitation with the other project participants.


Drafting of project management contracts with service descriptions

Definition of interfaces in organisational forms

Advice on legal questions of the project controller’s liability

Enforcement and defence of claims for damages or liability (ascertainment of facts, recourse to other parties involved in the construction and professional liability insurance)

Defence against supplementary claims

Training and seminars on project management topics

MEK | Architekten Ingenieurrecht | München, Hamburg | Immobilien
MEK | Grundstücksrecht | München, Hamburg | Immobilien